Welcome to our online farmer's market! We are a community of neighbors helping neighbors. Here you can find your local handyman, farmer, rancher, gardener, homesteader, homemaker, baker, small home-based businesses and many others dedicated to providing fresh local goods and friendly local services to their community. Read more about us here.

Discover tips, tricks, advice, education and so much more. Browse through categories, watch how-to videos, read posts and learn some things about farming, gardening, hunting & fishing, cooking, canning, fixing stuff and on and on... Check it out!
Post your goods and services "For Sale, Trade, or Free" in your State Market. Choose your Topic Category and start searching or posting. Visitors can get in touch with their local farmer, gardener, rancher, homemaker, handyman, craftsman and many others. Find out what fresh goods, handmade items, and friendly services they are offering to their neighbors and community... Check it out!
Become A Member of our FREE Online Farmer's Market
Are you a farmer, gardener, rancher, homesteader, handcrafter, handyman, home cook, canner, hunter, fisherman, etc.? Do you have homemade or homegrown goods that you would like to sell, trade or give away for free? Are you a small home-based business or hobbyist who would like to advertise your goods and services to your local community? Would you like to get more local traffic to your food stand or announce its location? Do you have a yard sale most weekends? Do you mow lawns on the side for extra income? Would you like more local customers to find you wherever you are? If you say yes, then Neighbor Nation Membership is for you.
You get a Public Profile Page <===(Click here for an example of mine) where your community can find everything you have to offer (goods or services, how-to videos, events, location, contact info).
You get listed on the Neighbor Locator Map (optional-if you like).
Share your expert know-how with pictures and videos on the Neighbor Forums (Posts do not expire).
Share your hard work for sale, trade, free or barter in your State Markets (Posts do not expire).
Get your small business or farm featured in the Neighbor Nation Blog (optional-if you like).
Membership is FREE! We are new start-up and want you to come grow with us. No payment required!