You might be wondering how to create your Neighbor Nation Profile. What do you include? What can you leave out? What is the info used for?
Well, we are here to help you.
How to Create your Neighbor Nation Profile:
Tip #1 - Display Name & Title
The Display Name field is your Farm or Business Name. It does not have to be a legal business name, but it can be. It can be anything that you want to call your farm or business. The Title field is an area for extra information. For example: My Display Name is Penny Farm. My Title is Goat and Chicken Farm. You can edit this information at any time, directly from your profile page. Just click edit in the top right corner of your profile page. These fields are made public to all visitors.
Tip #2 - Address
All fields in the Address section are OPTIONAL. You can add city and state, or zip code, or your full address, or nothing at all. It's up to you what information that you want to share. All the fields in the address section (that you choose to use) are public on your profile page. Please only use the address that you will be doing business at. Your address will be used to put your business on the Neighbor Locator Map for locals to find you easily. You can edit this information at any time, directly from your profile page. Just click edit in the top right corner of your profile page. *If you choose not to add an address, you will NOT be searchable on the Neighbor Locator Map.
Tip #3 - Phone & Email
Both the phone and email sections are optional and public. This is for viewers to connect with you and set up a meeting to do business. Use one or both methods for people to reach out and contact you. You can edit this information at any time, directly from your profile page. Just click edit in the top right corner of your profile page.
Tip #4 - Last Name
Your last name is Private. Only Neighbor Nation Administrator can see this information. It is optional. You can edit this information at any time, directly from your profile page. Just click edit in the top right corner of your profile page.
Tip #5 - Non-Selling Members
When you first sign up to Neighbor Nation, you will have the option to make your Profile Private. You can also change your profile privacy from your My Account page. From there you can choose whether your profile is private or public. You can find this setting under Profile Visibility. If you choose the Private setting, no one, except Neighbor Nation Administrator, will have access to your information. We recommend using this if you are a non-selling member and you just want to be a part of the community and stay up to date on all the neat stuff going on with your favorite local farms/businesses.