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Let's learn all about Eggs, Chickens, Ducks, Quail, Turkeys, Pheasants, Peacocks, etc...
Music Lessons, Riding Lessons, Cooking Lessons, Farming & Agriculture Programs, Canning Classes, Art Classes &...
How To's on all the wonderful things crafted by skilled hands. Knitting, Leather, Pottery, Jewelry, Art, Wood, etc...
All-natural Homemade: Learn about Herbal Medicines, Teas, Tinctures, Essential Oils, Salves, Soaps, Bath & Body, etc...
How to raise Livestock Guardians, Barn Cats, Hunting Dogs, Rabbits, Lizards, Birds, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, etc...
Learn to make fresh homemade food. Recipes and How To's on Baking, Canning, Jams & Jellies, Sauces, and so much more!
Tips on repair or maintenance of small engines such as weed eaters, lawn mowers, chainsaws, trimmers, etc...
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